
Debouncing User Input with Vue: Delay the input event until the user stops typing

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  • HTML
  • JS
  • Vue

Sometimes I want to persist user input to the server without the need for “Submit” or “Save” buttons. The user types into the text field and the app takes care of everything else without any further necessary action.

So-called “debouncing” can achieve this by waiting until the user stopped typing before sending the HTTP request to the server. This article shows how I achieved this with a handy custom Vue component.

The Problem

I was working on my app It allows multiple participants to connect with their devices to view the same countdown timer. Each user can enter their name into a field so the controller can see who is connected. The app saves the name as it is typed, but the server can also update it. This posed two problems:

  1. Every keystroke fires an input event. Therefore it is necessary to debounce this event, that is, wait until the user stopped typing before saving it to the server, so it doesn’t trigger too many HTTP requests.
  2. A server response can also update the text of the input field. But while the user is typing it is relevant to prevent updating the value so the user doesn’t experience “jumping” of the text.

The Solution

This Vue component solves both problems. It is designed to be used as a drop-in replacement for the native <input> tag.

First, here is the component in full. Underneath I explain what each part does and how it works.


import _debounce from 'lodash/debounce'

export default {
  props: {
    value: String,
    type: { type: String, default: 'text' },
  data () {
    return {
      internalValue: this.value,
      touched: false,
  watch: {
    value (value) {
      if (!this.touched) this.internalValue = value
  methods: {
    updateInternalValue (event) {
      this.touched = true
    updateValue: _debounce(function (value) {
      this.touched = false
      this.$emit('input', value)
      this.$emit('update:value', value)
    }, 600),

1–7 <template>

<input> is the only HTML element inside the template. I use a copy of the passed value prop, called internalValue, for reasons explained later. The type prop is just a passthrough, more can be added as required.

I am not using v-model to keep track of user input with the touched variable, see line 31.

13–16 Props

Besides the mandatory value prop I am giving default values to all others. This way I can safely omit them when using the component.

17–22 Data

I could use value directly and pass it to the input element, but this can lead to a race condition. If the app sends the value to the server it is common for it to respond with the same value causing an app update. Had the user continued typing, this update would reset the value removing the last typed characters. Therefore I added a decoupled internalValue to keep track of user input with the touched variable.

23–27 Watcher

Here I am watching the value prop for changes and update the internalValue only if the user hasn’t touched the input, implying he hasn’t typed anything else in the meantime.

29–32 updateInternalValue() Method

Every keystroke triggers this method. With touched = true I can keep track of it. It then calls the updateValue() method with that magic debouncing mechanic.

33–37 updateValue() Method

This method is the heart of the entire component. It uses lodash’s debounce method. updateValue() can be called multiple times with the same parameters and only executes the callback function the delay of 600 ms has passed after the last call.

It is essential to use an anonymous function here, not an arrow function, to preserve Vue’s this context.

I set touched = false once the callback is executed, signifying that at this time the value is passed to the parent component. Changes to the value prop can now be updated safely to my internalValue until the user starts typing again.

Afterward, I emit two events. The input event enables the use of v-model with this component, and the update:value event ensures that Vue’s two-way binding value.sync also works.